The Continental
Located within Pacific Place, The Continental is a friendly and sophisticated European-inspired café that features a classically influenced menu and a tranquil year-round terrace.
地址 Address: 香港金鐘道太古廣場4樓406室
Unit 406, L4 Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong
參與方式 Offerings: 為於 10 月 15-22 日內的午市及晚市時段每份餐點捐出港幣5元
Will donate HK$5 per meal during lunchtime and dinner service from October 15th-22nd
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2704 5211
網站 Website: www.thehousecollective.com/en/the-upper-house/restaurants-and-bars/the-continental/
Instagram: @thecontinentalhk