Testina offers authentic yet modern Italian dishes inspired by the dining experience in Trippa Milano, transporting guests to the family dining table in Italy. The name Testina, “head” in Italian, is reflective of the cooking philosophy of Trippa: every part of animal is utilised, including offals and rare cuts of meat, transforming overlooked or lesser-known ingredients into culinary delights.
The menu at Testina is based on traditional recipes rooted from generation to generation, renewed and refined with personal style and with a focus on nose-to-tail approach, presenting comforting dishes prepared with deep passion and sophisticated techniques to be enjoyed by Hong Kong and global diners.
地址 Address: 中環擺花街8號3樓
3/F, 8 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central
參與方式 Offerings: 承諾捐出港幣1000元
Pledge HK$1000
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2798 0668
網站 Website: www.testina.hk
Instagram: @testinahk