Chubby Papa's Deli
Chubby Papa's Deli is your cosy neighbourhood hangout located in Kennedy Town. Our handcrafted artisanal sandwiches are flavor packed, made-to-order, and prepared with love using the best ingredients. Come on in and grab one of our hearty sandwiches, sides, and drinks as we’re all about having good food and making great memories!
地址 Address: 西環卑路乍街7-11號海都樓地下29號舖
Shop 29, Hoi Tao Building, G/F, 7-11 Belcher's St, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內星期一至星期五午膳時段(中午12點至下午3點)銷售額的5%
Will donate 5% of our weekday lunch period sales from 12pm-3pm during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 9103 4787
網站 Website: www.chubbypapasdeli.com
Instagram: @chubbypapasdeli