Bringing people together over good bread, Bakehouse by Grégoire Michaud is home to the city’s finest European-style baked goods and sourdough bread, all handmade on-site every day with the finest ingredients. The artisan neighbourhood bakery weaves time-honoured traditions and methods in a range of sweet and savoury creations meant to bring the inimitable comfort one only finds in the depths of bread. Following the positive reception of its first outlet in vibrant Wanchai, which opened in 2018, this beloved bakery adds four more stores in the heart of Soho, Tsim Sha Tsui, Stanley, and Causeway Bay, bringing artisanal goods closer to everyone.
地址 Address:
5 Staunton Street, Central
G/F, 14 Tai Wong Street East, Wan Chai
G/F, 44 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
G/F, 16 Kai Chiu Road, Causeway Bay
G/F, 116 Stanley Main Street, Stanley
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內酸種蛋撻和牛角包的銷售額中的港幣 30,000 元
Will donate HK$30,000 from Sourdough Egg Tart and Croissant sales during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: N/A
網站 Website: www.bakehouse.hk
Instagram: @bakehousehk