Moxie is a sustainability minded restaurant which offers a soft approach to conscious dining with a vegetable centric and seasonal menu featuring ethically sourced seafood. Led by Chef Michael Smith the menu showcase delicious and refreshing flavours, with locally grown vegetables brought to new heights.
地址 Address: 中環遮打道18號歷山大廈2樓203號舖
Shop 203, Alexandra House, 18 Chater Rd, Central, Hong Kong
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內以支持免疫系統和促進精神健康為重點的 Moxie x Mind HK Grain Bowl (Teriyaki glazed tempeh, quinoa, sauce romesco, spiced chickpeas and cherry tomatoes)銷售額的 50%
Will donate 50% of Moxie x Mind HK Grain Bowl (Teriyaki glazed tempeh, quinoa, sauce romesco, spiced chickpeas and cherry tomatoes) focused on supporting the immune system and boosting mental health sales during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2718 8211
網站 Website: http://moxiehk.net/
Instagram: @moxie_hk