霜月 Shimo
Shimo at its core is about serving quality and thoughtfully prepared sukiyaki and shabu shabu. In light of common impressions of the cuisine being too heavy and cloying, Shimo has put in tremendous effort toning the sweetness and richness of the sauces and broths while maintaining integrity, allowing more guests to enjoy the authentic Japanese hot pot experience and different rare meat cuts and seasonal specialties we offer.
地址 Address: 銅鑼灣霎東街15-21號OLIV 24樓
24/F, OLIV, 15-21 Sharp Street East, Causeway Bay
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內特別菜單銷售額中的港幣 1000 元
Will donate HK$1000 from special menu during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2321 3555
Instagram: @shimo.hongkong