Qi - House of Sichuan
Qi – House of Sichuan is a renowned culinary brand known for its spicy and artful Sichuan cuisine in Hong Kong and Singapore. It was awarded the prestigious One Michelin Star from 2016 to 2019 in the Hong Kong and Macau Michelin Guide, which is a testament to its culinary excellence.
Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) is named after the Chinese character for ‘shining star’, which is inspired by the fundamental ingredient in Sichuan cuisine, star anise. The Chinese character is also symbolic, formed by the characters for water and mouth, reflecting the mouth-watering flavours of Sichuan food.
地址 Address: 灣仔莊士敦道60號 J Senses 2樓12號舖
Shop 12, 2/F, J Senses, 60 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, HK
參與方式 Offerings: 於 10 月 14-29 日內每售出一份二人套餐或四人套餐便捐出港幣 5 元
Will donate HK$5 on every “Set Menu for 2” or “Set Menu for 4” sold during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2527 7117
網站 Website: https://www.qi-sichuan.hk
Instagram: @qihouseofsichuan
Facebook: qihouseofsichuan