MR & MRS FOX 準備一系列驚喜以刺激客人不同的感官體驗,如多款歐陸菜式及手調雞尾酒、年輕藝術家的作品及充滿植物的綠化空間。其三層的設計正正為客人帶來三種截然不同用餐體驗,旨在打造屬於社區的理想聚腳地。餐廳的全面配套亦是各種慶祝、私人及企業聚會的理想之地。
MR & MRS FOX offers a variety of surprises to feed guests’ senses from tantalising European delicacies and hand-crafted cocktails, to scintillating artworks by young artists, to a lush plant-filled environment to gather in. MR & MRS FOX’s three floors each deliver a different experience, giving guests a warm neighbourhood environment in which to kick back, dig in or chill out.
地址 Address: 鰂魚涌太古坊糖廠街23號
23 Tong Chong Street, Quarry Bay
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內每個星期一 MR & MRS FOX 午餐時段服務銷售額的 8%
Will donate 8% of food sales from lunchtime services in MR & MRS FOX during the 2 Mondays (16th and 23th of October)
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2697 8500
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MRMRSFOXHK
網站 Website: https://www.easthotels.com/en/hongkong/restaurants-and-bars/mr-and-mrs-fox/
Instagram: @mrmrsfoxhk