Blue Supreme
Blue Supreme is a gastropub located in Sheung Wan that specializes in serving out-of-ordinary craft beers with the type of proper beer service that Hong Kong has never seen. Blue Supreme will be serving high quality gastropub foods that will match the quality of the beer selections. The food at Blue Supreme will be rooted in regional American cuisine, adapted into an artisanal gastropub setting. The kitchen will consist of a small and an intimate team working towards delivering consistently high quality new American gastropub fare.
地址 Address: 上環東街21號地舖
21 Tung St, Sheung Wan
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內食品銷售額的 10 %
Will donate 10% from food sales during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 5998 3088
網站 Website: N/A
Instagram: @bluesupremehk