22 Ships
以灣仔船街22號命名的「22 Ships」是一家不設訂座和不收加一服務費的西班牙Tapas吧,為食客於悠閑輕鬆的用餐環境中提供地道而精緻的西班牙美食。22 Ships於2020年進行翻新後,主打一系列由總廚Antonio Oviedo創作、以西班牙不同地區美食為藍本的新派傳統tapas,配搭以西班牙葡萄酒、水果酒和經典街頭飲品為主的酒單。
Named for its address on the quaint Ship Street in Wan Chai, 22 Ships is a “no reservations, no service charge” tapas bar which offers rustic yet refined Spanish fare in a buzzy, relaxed setting. A neighbourhood favourite since its opening in 2012 and revamped in 2020, the tapas bar now features a range of traditional yet modern multi-regional tapas created by chef Antonio Oviedo, together with a dynamic drink menu focusing on Spanish wines, sangrias, and classic street-social style drinks. 22 Ships continues bringing the social sharing vibe and more true Spanish flavours everyone loves to Hong Kong.
地址 Address: 香港灣仔船街 22 號地下
22 Ship Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內西班牙海鮮飯銷售額的 20%
Will donate 20% of paella sales during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2555 0722
網站 Website: www.22ships.hk
Instagram: @22shipshkg