The Daily Tot
Local award-winning rum bar The Daily Tot is an ode to 300 years of Navy tradition, The Daily Tot holds Caribbean rum at its heart. Destined to be a sanctuary for lovers of the finest selection of rums and cigars this side of Havana, The Daily Tot is a tribute for our love of rum, cocktails and fine spirits which has no boundaries. Those who insist on having a good time; starting a little earlier and going on a little later will find haven amongst us!
地址 Address: 中環荷李活道54-58號中發大廈地下E號舖
Shop E, LG/F, Felicity Building, 58 Hollywood Road, Central
參與方式 Offerings: 於 10 月 14-29 日內每售出一杯 Berry Bang 無酒精雞尾酒便捐出港幣 10 元
Will donate HK$10 per Berry Bang mocktail sold during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2366 6836
網站 Website: http://thedailytot.com
Instagram: @dailytot.hk