壺 Potion House
At 壺 Potion House, we offer a wide selection of bubble tea concoctions that cater to the discerning palate and tea lovers alike, using only fresh, quality ingredients in each drink. All of our tea beverages are made and perfected by our R&D team in Taiwan, and freshly made in Hong Kong. The starting line-up of drinks we will launch comprises of a total of six series: Pure Teas with Jelly, Milk Teas, Traditional Teas, Fruit Teas, Barley Teas and Coffees. At the heart of Potion House, we believe that no matter what path in life you are on, there is always time to come together to take a moment of pause, slow down and indulge in a cup of tea. Because that is where the magic truly lies.
地址 Address: 灣仔大王東街20號
20 Tai Wong Street East, Wan Chai
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內每日銷售額的 5%
Will donate 5% of daily sales during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 5118 5522
Instagram: @pot.ionhouse