Zip Zip
Zip Zip Cafe is a hidden gem nestled in the vibrant heart of Causeway Bay near Times Square. Formerly known as Mamaday, we have recently undergone a transformation, unveiling a fresh new name, captivating decor, and an exciting revamped menu. At Zip Zip Cafe, we welcome furry friends, as we are a pet-friendly establishment. Our spacious interior boasts floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing our patrons to indulge in delectable pizza, pasta, coffee, and desserts while enjoying panoramic views of the bustling Causeway Bay. Bask in an abundance of natural sunlight as you soak in the laid-back and relaxed ambiance of our super chill cafe.
地址 Address: 銅鑼灣霎西街28號必發商業大廈1樓
1/F, Perfect Commercial Building, 28 Sharp Street West, Causeway bay
參與方式 Offerings: 承諾捐出港幣500元
Pledge HK$500
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2164 0066
網站 Website:
Instagram: @zipziphk