TREEHOUSE 以全植物飲食為概念,是推動結合可持續發展、道德飲食、摩登及快餐體驗的香港休閒健康餐飲品牌。菜單只提供全天然食品,完全不含防腐劑、精製糖、人造甜味劑、食品色素、反式脂肪、大豆分離蛋白、漂白麵粉等加工食品。
菜式靈感源自創辦人Christian Mongendre的旅行經歷,以高品質、當地採購的有機食材為主要原料製作。每道菜式都着重層次豐富的口感和味道,以及非素食者的喜好而設計。
TREEHOUSE, a fast casual plant-based dining concept in Hong Kong, is grounded in healthy eating and a homage to the future of modern dining: sustainable, ethical, modern and fast. The chef-driven menu is completely unprocessed, serving only whole foods free from preservatives, refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, food dyes, trans-fats, soy-isolates, bleached flour, and more. Many of the dishes are inspired by founder Christian Mongendre’s travels, and have been created using high quality, locally-sourced produce and organic when possible. Each dish considers textures, layered flavours and excitement in a way that appeals to non-vegetarians. The environment is built around the theme of being “One with Nature,” using lead-free eco-cement, reclaimed wood, and 100% recycled plastic furniture, serving as an uplifting space to help us flourish and live in the moment.
With locations in Central, Taikoo Place and now Causeway Bay, TREEHOUSE is a nourishing and mindful reminder that change starts with us.
地址 Address: 中環砵甸乍街45號The Steps ‧ H Code地下1號舖
HCODE, Shop 1, Ground Floor, 45 Pottinger Street, Central
參與方式 Offerings: 為於 10 月 14-29 日內在中環 H Code 店售出的每杯檸檬特飲(單點/跟餐)捐出港幣 5 元
Will donate HK$5 from every lemonade sold (solo/combo) from H Code, Central location during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 3791 2277
Instagram: @treehouse.eco