普慶餐廳 The Astor
全天供應美食的 The Astor 設有七個美食專區即席烹調多款國際化美饌,包括生蠔、龍蝦、日式刺身、澳洲頂級肉眼以至東南亞風味咖喱、港式燒味及素食選擇等,款式琳瑯滿目,令客人於懷舊的佈置中,享受多元化的優質美食。
All-day dining venue The Astor combines the nostalgia of Hong Kong’s cha chaan teng culture with the novelty and convenience of an Asian hawker center. Offering a vast selection of vegetable-first options, seven live cooking stations prepare a delicious celebration of international cuisine, from lobster to oysters, crab to Japanese sashimi, curries to Western grilled meats, modern vegetarian to Chinese classics and more, all served with a smile in a nostalgic retro setting.
地址 Address: 佐敦彌敦道380號香港逸東酒店B1樓層
Level B1, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
參與方式 Offerings: 為普慶餐廳於 10 月 14-29 日內每位午市和晚市時段的顧客捐出港幣1元,並在酒店大堂和普慶餐廳設置捐款箱
Will donate HK$1 per cover (The Astor in Lunch and Dinner Period) and donation boxes placed at hotel lobby and The Astor during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2710 1901
網站 Website: www.theastorhk.com
Instagram: @theastorhk