FEAST (Food by EAST)
FEAST (Food by EAST) 是位於香港東隅一樓充滿活力的全天候餐廳,提供新鮮精製的國際美食;美食包括多款沙律與前菜、壽司、海鮮及甜品,客人更可享受一系列西式及富亞洲風味的主菜;嶄新的多元化餐飲體驗必能滿足各種私人及企業聚會的需要。
FEAST (Food by EAST) is the bustling eatery located on the 1/F of EAST Hong Kong, featuring international cuisine with fresh flavours. Guests can enjoy an array of salads, antipasti, sushi, seafood and desserts from the counters, complete with an extensive selection of Asian and Western main courses brought to your table.
地址 Address: 香港太古城太古城道29號香港東隅一樓
1/F, EAST Hong Kong, 29 Taikoo Shing Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內每個星期一FEAST午餐時段服務銷售額的 8% (10 月 16 日和 23 日)
Will donate 8% of food sales from lunchtime services at FEAST during the 2 Mondays (16th and 23th of October)
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 3968 3777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EASTHongKongHotel
網站 Website: www.easthotels.com/en/hongkong/restaurants-and-bars/feast/
Instagram: @easthk