
在挪威文意思為「家」的 Hjem 是家專攻傳統挪威食材及菜餚的北歐餐廳。除了用新鮮頂級材料創出的舒適菜色,Hjem 更加是個體現北歐慢活精神的空間。

Hjem — meaning ‘home’ in Norwegian — is a Nordic café defined by the simple comforts of traditional Norwegian ingredients and dishes. Hjem is a space for paced encounters that translates onto their use of fresh, quality produce embodying true Nordic exceptionalism and principles of slow living.

地址 Address: 中環荷李活道159-163號金荷大廈地下2號舖

161 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan

參與方式 Offerings: 促進對話,於 10 月 14-29 日內為某人購買一杯咖啡,在對方需要與人交談時使用

Facilitate a conversation, buy a coffee for someone to redeem when in need to talk to someone during 14-29 October

聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2362 9193

網站 Website: https://hjemhk.com

Instagram: @hjemhk


Cotton Lane Cafe


Hogan Coffee