香港黃金海岸酒店「粵」中菜廳 YUÈ Chinese Restaurant at Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel
「粵」以各款匯聚傳統特色和嶄新創意的新派粵菜馳名,於 2014 年起連續十年成為《米芝蓮指南香港澳門》推介餐廳之一,並以鴛鴦銀絲回味蟹及鳳躍天仙 (乾坤無花果鹹檸雞煲) 分別榮獲香港旅遊發展局主辦之 2016 及 2015 年美食之最大賞至高榮譽金獎。您可於戶外茶座的閒適氣氛下眺望優美海景,享用巧手佳餚,餐廳更設有廂座,適合情侶、三五知己及家庭聚餐。
Recommended by the MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong Macau since 2014 and awarded Gold with Distinction in Hong Kong Tourism Board’s 2016 and 2015 Best of the Best Culinary Awards for its Green Crab with Vermicelli Duo in Clay Pot and Chicken Pot with Figs and Preserved Lemons, YUÈ presents traditional Cantonese delicacies with a modern twist.
地址 Address: 香港黃金海岸酒店, 香港青山公路 1 號低層地下
Lower Ground Level, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, 1 Castle Peak Road, Hong Kong
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內二人套餐的銷售額 10%
Will donate 10% of proceeds from every “Set Menu for Two” sold during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2452 8668
網站 Website: www.goldcoasthotel.com
Instagram: @goldcoasthotel