No Money So Lonely
Creativity comes from one experience in different stage of one's life. No Money So Lonely - the name itself says it all. Its about banter, relaxing, fun, and most important, a little reflection of the world we are living. Asian fusion is nothing new under the sun, however, fail after fail, our dedication have finally brought something new in this genre, to enrich Asian cusine in our own unique way, and we aren't stoping to create more. Many more to come, as long as we still have chance to show everyone.
地址 Address: 旺角彌敦道700號T.O.P This is Our Place 4樓406-408號舖
406-408, T.O.P Mall, 700 Nathan Road, Mong Kok
參與方式 Offerings: 承諾捐出港幣1200元
Pledge HK$1200
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 5921 2838
網站 Website: www.sevengoodlook.com
Instagram: @thesolonelyclub