KAKI Izakaya
Kaki Izakaya is a modern Japanese Izakaya located in the bustling heart of Quarry Bay. It takes pride in its ability to offer a fun atmosphere and unforgettable dining experiences to all guests.
地址 Address: 鰂魚涌糖廠街33號地舖
G/F, 33 Tong Chong Street, Quarry Bay
參與方式 Offerings: 於 10 月 14-29 日內每售出一份二人品嚐菜單便捐出港幣 5 元
Will donate HK$5 on every “Tasting Menu for 2” sold during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2865 6800
網站 Website: https://www.kakiizakaya.hk/
Instagram: @kakiizakaya.hk