Hansik Goo
Hansik Goo has multiple meanings. At its core, ‘Han’ is one, ‘Sikgoo’ is family; or simply, ‘Hansik’ (Korean cuisine) by chef Mingoo. We aspire to deliver a bold interpretation of the diverse Korean culinary culture. From home-cooked fare, royal inspired cuisine to innovative creations that chef Mingoo is loved for, the menu offers authentic Korean flavours with a creative flair.
地址 Address: 中環威靈頓街198號The Wellington 1樓
1/F, The Wellington, 198 Wellington Street, Central
參與方式 Offerings: 承諾捐出港幣1000元
Pledge HK$1000
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2798 8768
網站 Website: www.hansikgoo.hk
Instagram: @hansikgoo