Aaharn is a world-class exploration of Thai cuisine with a menu inspired by internationally celebrated chef David Thompson.
Offering hard-to-find, authentic Thai dishes using best quality ingredients, fresh Thai herbs and vegetables brought in directly from Thailand daily along with hand pressed coconut milk in all of our curries.
Guests will experience the true Thai dining tradition of “kup kao” meaning eaten with rice. Our wine and cocktail selection has been carefully crafted to complement the Thai flavours with wine pairings available.
地址 Address: 中環荷李活道10號大館02座槍房1樓
1/F Armoury Building 02 Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Rd Central, Hong Kong
參與方式 Offerings: 捐出於 10 月 14-29 日內 evening long menu 銷售額的 10 %
Will donate 10% sales of the evening long menu during 14-29 October
聯絡號碼 Contact number: 2703 9111
網站 Website: www.aaharn.hk
Instagram: @aaharnhk